Welcome To Rainbowwisdom 


Welcome all, thank you for visiting my website.Stay awhile, and lets journey together!


It is a wonderful feeling for me, to at last fulfil a dream of creating a website dedicated to spiritual awakening. For myself I feel my spiritual journey is only beginning and I hope that I will continue to grow learn and develop throughout my life!  I wish to share with you my own truths in this moment. I wish to share the beautiful messages and teaching of others who have treaded the path before me. Leaving their invaluable wisdom behind for us to pick up and use. There are many wonderful teachers out there who have dedicated their lives to honouring God, and translating that very real love and wisdom for us, so we can find healing and tranquillity in our own lives. I dedicate this site to all those teachers who have and are influencing me, and all the souls seeking spiritual harmony and enlightenment. I would also like to thank my brothers who have supported and encouraged me into getting Rainbow Wisdom off the ground.

So who am I? Well I am a qualified Holistic Therapist who loves reflexology and massage. I am also a Registered Rainbow Childrens Teacher, and qualified Integrated Energy Therapist. I started off many moons ago as a Nursery Nurse NNEB. I use different forms of therapies and combine them to bring wellness and harmony to my clients. I'm from London, born and raised,but moved back to Ireland a few years ago,as I am half Irish. I am passionate about healing and empowering and inspiring others to love themselves and to accept themselves.I believe we are all amazing beings and sometimes we just need reminding of how fantastic we really are!!


We are all privileged to be alive at this time. As this really is the dawning of a new age. The energy of the planet is shifting and while a lot of people are experiencing pain, trauma and uncertainty. We are all called to raise our vibrations. To hold the light, remain positive and to focus on service and healing.  Every time you send love out into the world the universe responds. Every time you think a happy thought of someone, or wish someone well the universe smiles back at you. You can and do make a difference, no matter how small.  We have much work to do and a long way to go.  More and more people are waking up to a new possibility of living in harmony with themselves, and their communities. We are seeing more clearly that we are all connected and everything we do can serve a higher purpose.


I do hope the information and writings here inspire you, and fill you with love and hope for yourself and others.  I do not claim to know all the answers!  I am not asking you to believe anything I write. But I do ask that you seek answers for yourself.  What do you believe in? What inspires you? Find your own truth and let that guide you. When your truth no longer serves you or your higher self, seek to update your truth.  I wish you love, healing, wisdom, and many blessings along your Rainbow Wisdom journey.


Love light and blessings